I just want the best looking computer I can get for my time and @ the lowest cost as possible. Thats not to much to ask for a man that is raising 2 sons on my own for 15 years Yeah there are the light of my life.
same crap
Published on September 27, 2008 By MrBoot In WindowBlinds

Ok every time I try and use the stardock central it wonts me to acctivate and I put in the numbers and then the same old thing getting very disipointed and stardock am not aboul to use my programs like I use to so makes my not wont to spend any more money please help fix or its bye bye.  Hope you can help.


Robert Ewry

Number removed....Admin

on Sep 27, 2008

Mr. Boot....Stardock is migrating all of the software over to impulse as their main software distribution vehicle. Download and install impulse, put in your registration information and you should be good to go. You can get impulse at http://impulsedriven.com/impulse_setup.exe

Hope this helps ya.

on Sep 27, 2008

Hi Robert,

Are you getting errors telling you your activation limit has been reached, or are the applications just not installing?

on Sep 27, 2008

I put in the numbers and then the same old thing


what 'same old thing'?


Are you getting errors telling you your activation limit has been reached, or are the applications just not installing?

on Sep 29, 2008

It looks like the problem was the number you listed was actually an order number and not a serial number.  Serials will usually follow this pattern (may or may not have dashes):


Where order numbers will look more like this:


I replied to your support ticket with the serial number, as well as instructions on how to get this registered in SDC.