I just want the best looking computer I can get for my time and @ the lowest cost as possible. Thats not to much to ask for a man that is raising 2 sons on my own for 15 years Yeah there are the light of my life.
Published on April 17, 2011 By MrBoot In IconPackager

hello I have purchased a lot of software and IconPackage 5 is one of them not its asking me to purchase it again will htlp please IconPackage5

***Removed - Moderator


on Apr 17, 2011

MrBoot is that your serial numbers for IP5 if so remove it asap you DON"T WANT to let Others know it

on Apr 17, 2011

Please email support@stardock.com and start a trouble ticket.  Refer to this post for tracking purposes.

When you receive a ticket number post it here.